A very warm welcome back to reality, for all of our rascal associates sitting dazed at their desks after a long weekend of sun and chocolate.
Last week, you may have been too busy preparing for the Easter fun to see the first of our blogs leading up to next month’s London Wine Fair. We decided to start, of course, with the vegan wines we’ll be bringing on the day.
This week, we’re pressing on, deeper into the realms of obscurity, to our biodynamic and natural range. These wines are a recent addition to the Rascal cellars since last years fair, and we cannot wait for you to taste them.
Today, we’re starting off with a bold pair from the Pig in the House winery in New South Wales. You may remember our interview with them, discussing what makes a biodynamic wine some months back, which you can and should read here.

First up is an amazing medium-bodied Chardonnay, absolutely bursting with stone fruits and lemon zest. If you ever needed proof of the power of biodynamic farming, this one will do the job.

Next up is their preservative free Shiraz – packed with blue fruit and plenty of smooth spices, the bottle design is a tribute to the winemaker’s father, whose eye sight has started to go – a tribute or a tease – we’re not too sure!
These wines are as good a reason as any to sign up for London Wine Fair, so make sure you do!
This year we have decided to remain upstairs, in the sunny heavens at tables Z105 and Z106.
…and look out next time for the introduction to our natural wine range from Greece!