So here we are dearest rascals. After an obscenely generous series of Christmas deal bundles (one, two, three, four, and five), the rascal sleigh has finally reached its last chimney. What a ride it’s been.
“Throughout the next few weeks, we’ll be offering you selections from the very last of our most legendary wines. The wines that built our success as a company, and enhanced our lives along the way. It’s hard for us to depart with these jewels, but Christmas is a time of giving, and you rascals have been so good this year.”
Remember, you can take whatever combination of these wine bottles you want, just as long as you’re taking more than 36 bottles!
We’ve saved some of the best for last this week. Many of you will no doubt remember the stunning wines from Aaldering, and we certainly won’t be able to forget about them for quite some time. The first of these we’re parting with is their Chardonnay; a delightful complexion of fruit, citrus and cream. Originally priced at £15.20, and now (brace yourself) down to £10.99 ex VAT.

The second from Stellenbosch, South Africa is Aaldering’s Merlot. A very sturdy and bold red, housed in an equally bold and handsome bottle. At an original price of £15.91, this is another premium wine that can be yours for £10.99.

Phew! This tired blogger elf needs to put his feet up with a glass of milk now.
Don’t forget to check out our other deals, our full wine list, or, if you had some cheeky deals of your own in mind, you can get in touch with our head salesman, Mark here.