Good morrow to thee noble wine folk. It’s nearly August which only means one thing in our office – It’s also nearly White Wine Day.
A day to celebrate one of the oldest and dearest indulgences in our planetary history. White wine – common, but classy. Complex, but compatible. Dreamy, but not drowsy… It’s wonderful stuff.
So we thought we’d pay homage on its name day, by riffing off some of the favorites from our very own cellar.
–as always, be sure to click on the link or each product, to browse its full tech sheet.
First up, the go to for our marketing Rascal ‘Tree’, is the Belato Offida Pecorino DOCG 2017
As Italian speakers among us will know “Belato” means “bleating” and there will be plenty to bleat about from me if this stunning wine doesn’t join me on my summer hols. Elegant, fruity and deliciously crisp. This will be my aperitif of choice with family and friends. Vegan too – so no one need miss out!’
Next, from our head Rascal Mark, with the Kamara Pure Stalisma Dry White.
‘For me, this wine has bags of flavour. Ripe peaches, candied lemon and a subtle spice on the finish means this natural number will be my wine of choice. The curious blend of Malagousia and Xinomavro peaks interest as these are grapes we don’t see in the UK often. With no added sulphur, organic certification and natural wild fermentation, the wine definitely lives up to its pure name. Best enjoyed in the sunshine while relaxing, to savour the moment.’
On to our vineyard Rascal Rebecca, who has wisely opted for the Pig in the House Chardonnay.
‘I love the Chardonnay grape so this isn’t a tough choice for me, and this wine also has the added allure of being vegan, organic, biodynamic and sustainable – wine with the ‘feel good factor’.’
‘I’d enjoy it on a lazy Sunday Summer bbq with marinated chicken kebabs, grilled halloumi and a watermelon and feta salad. Lush.’
And finally, our Usually-Fizzy Rascal Helen, with her favourite still White, Casal Ventozela Vinho Verde.
‘When I’m not on the bubbles it’s always a vinho verde for me! A delicious Summer drink with lots of lovely lemon notes – perfect to cut through the richness of my favourite BBQ sardines.’
So there you go; four of the finest for you and your punters to enjoy on White Wine Day – and there’s still time to make an order!
Give us a shout if you’d like a taste.
Or browse our full brochure here, to see our full selection of whites, reds, and everything in between.