As you know, we like to keep our ears to the ground at Wine Rascal HQ; keeping up with the latest wine trends so you don’t have to. While doing so, one report in this month’s Harper’s Mag really got us excited. A bit like those old wartime conscription adverts, once we saw it, we were up and out, ready to fly the flag and fight the good fight in the cava uprising.
According to Harper’s, cava is coming back, with one importer reporting a 40% uplift in sales for the January-May period compared to the same time last year – and that’s before Summer had even started. Having long sung of solidarity with the traditional-method Spanish fizz, shedding tears as it has been frequently sidelined during prosecco’s reign, we are ecstatic to see the beginnings of a new era.
Cava has come a long way since the 80’s, offering real variety and complexity on the palate to contend with the P-word.

None more so, of course, than the cava producers we have in our Rascal family; the two brothers-in-law at 1+1=3, named as such due to the fact that together, they amount to more than the sum of their parts. It’s not hard to see what they’re on about either. Not only do they make a huge range of some of the best cava we’ve ever come across, but they are also some of the most Rascal-y winemakers in our whole brochure.
Organic, vegan, low-sugar, low-sulphur offerings across different colours, grape varieties and vintages. Each bottle is delicious, affordable and very easy on the eye. Their bold, modern label designs are reminiscent of the mosaics by Antoni Gaudi that give Barcelona its distinctive beauty.
The rise of cava is coming, then we’re going to get behind it, and we want you to be ahead of the curve for when your customers do the same. Many Prosecco loyalists are looking ready to move on and try something new, and we know that the drier but still fruity 1+1=3 is the one to convert them forever.
Join the cava cause today, comrades.